Tips to Exploit Gmail

  #1 The power of plus ( + ) Gmail has a hidden feature according to which while giving your email address to someone you can suffix ‘+groupname’ after your id, e.g. while giving it to some of your business relation you can give your email address as ‘’ instead of ‘’, or while giving… Continue reading Tips to Exploit Gmail

Categorized as Email, Web Tagged

Send SMS from your GMail

You can now send SMS text messages to anyone in your Gmail address book right from the Gmail website. Go to your Gmail Labs settings and enable the “Text Messaging (SMS) in Chat” feature. The facility is currently available only for US phone numbers. You can send (and receive) text messages via the embedded chat… Continue reading Send SMS from your GMail

Screencast Online with Screen Toaster

Screen Toaster is a screen recorder cum screencast hosting service – when you are done recording, the video is uploaded online automatically and becomes immediately available for sharing via email or for embedding on other sites.

Backup & Restore Google Chrome Profile

The Google Chrome Backup application was designed to be a small tool to backup and restore Google Chrome profile. The profile holds personal data like history, bookmarks, etc. Everything is done with one click.

Categorized as Browser, Web